Tarrytown Police Department
One Depot Plaza, Tarrytown NY 10591
Village of Tarrytown
It is the policy of the Tarrytown Police Department to investigate all legitimate complaints made against the department or its personnel, thoroughly, completely and impartially. A proper relationship between the department and citizens we serve, fostered by trust and confidence, is essential to effective law enforcement efforts.
The Tarrytown Police Department complaint process has been developed to ensure this proper relationship provides people with a fair and effective method to address legitimate complaints against Department personnel and to protect officers and employees from false charges of misconduct or wrongdoing.
The department would prefer you speak with a supervisor when you file a complaint. We do this to ensure that we obtain all the necessary information that we will need to fully and impartially investigate your complaint, as well as expedite the resolution of any complaints.
If you do not want to speak with a supervisor, you are able to file a complaint against an employee or officer by fully and accurately completing the below complaint form. We ask that you print neatly or type the form if possible.
If you need help with the complaint form, which is below, you can call the Tarrytown Police Department and ask to speak with the Field Service Division Lieutenant. The Lieutenant will assist you with any questions you may have. When you have completed the complaint form, you can return it to the Police Department in any of the following ways:
- Automatically submit it by filling out the below
- Drop completed and signed forms at the Police Department front desk sealed in an envelope marked “Personnel Complaint”;
- Give it to any Sergeant or Lieutenant in a sealed envelope;
- Fax it to the Police Department at (914) 631-5069
- Email it to the Police Department at tarrytownpolice@tarrytowngov.com
The Tarrytown Police Department will assign your complaint to a supervisor to investigate. The supervisor will contact you and send you a receipt for your complaint. You can contact the supervisor at any time to follow the progress of your complaint. The Chief of Police will send you a letter notifying you of the conclusion of the investigation and any action taken.
It certainly is unfortunate that you had the occasion to be less than satisfied with a member of our department, and we certainly hope that all future contacts with members of our department are positive ones.